Z and K Antiques

Vintage Fiesta Disc Water Pitcher in Cobalt Blue Glaze

Circa 1938-1951: The original blue Fiesta glaze was described to as "deep blue" by HLCC's head designer Frederick Rhead. This deep blue color was in the soon to be famous ensemble right from the beginning, as early as the middle months of 1935 when Newell, West Virginia's Homer Laughlin China Company first showcased the line to its major department store buyers.

Cobalt Blue Vintage Fiesta Disk Water Pitcher

Cobalt Blue Vintage Fiesta Disk Water Pitcher

Obviously, producing the line's pieces in deep blue was an incredibly wise decision because the popular glaze was kept in production until 1951, when the dinnerware line's glazes were revised to keep pace with the baby boomer generation's new mid century modern color palette.

how to tell old from new fiestaware

bottom marking fiesta made in usa

Cobalt Blue Vintage Fiesta Disk Water Pitcher

Cobalt Blue Vintage Fiesta Disk Water Pitcher

This 71 ounce capacity vintage Fiestaware disc water pitcher in the original cobalt blue has survived in excellent collector quality condition with no chips, cracks, or repairs, and, moreover, sports a great even glaze with a nice and shiny impressed bottom mark that reads: "HLC fiesta MADE IN U.S.A." We're happy to offer this gorgeous piece of 20th century American tableware for sale, satisfaction guaranteed, and are sure you'll enjoy it as much as we do.

Original Cobalt Blue Vintage Fiesta Disc Water Pitcher

For Sale: $175
Happy Heidi Vintage Fiestaware Pottery for Sale all old colors complete collection

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Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Champaign/Urbana, Illinois: zandk@zandkantiques.com

Z and K Antiques For Sale